Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Back to school

I was sick going in to the first day of class. Combine that with sabbatical quarter, holidays, and class starting early Monday morning, and I'm sort of just glad I made it. (And let's just say it was a close call for one section. Remember when you were a student and the prof wasn't there for the first few minutes. And just when you were hoping class would be cancelled the prof showed up? I'm that prof now.)

I figured it was worth showing that every once in a while I forget earrings and have unpolished nails. :). Luckily, I have a few good default suit outfits, so without having to put too much thought into it, my suit, shirt, necklace, shoes and belt worked. Phew. And I love this shirt - the fit and little pleat detail plus the color are all great for me. Unfortunately most of my default outfits are too big for me now, so expect some new stuff going forward. :)

(Suit: jcrew, shirt: express, necklace: banana republic, belt: Ralph Lauren)

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