I like to wear pants when I present. I tend to walk all over the place, possibly sit on a table - it's just more comfortable in pants. And, for whatever reason, I don't like to emphasize that I'm a woman when I'm presenting - I just feel like people can focus better on the content when I'm not showing my legs. At the same time, I like to wear a bright color. First, it's somewhat my signature. Second, it helps to keep people awake. It's harder to fall asleep with a bright red shirt walking all over the room and every once in a while standing right in front of you.
I wanted to wear a necklace with this outfit, so I let my nametag hang lower this time. I figured at this point the people I wanted to meet/re-meet had met me, and when I was presenting everyone would know who I am (my slides all have my name on them in a corner, again as a reminder while I present).
This conference is not too formal, so I planned to carry my blazer but largely not wear it. Again, the temperature made that more comfortable. For the same conference but in the winter, I'd probably have sleeves rolled down and wear the blazer.
(Suit and necklace: J-crew factory, blouse: Express slim fit (I love these Express blouses - there is a regular fit and this slim fit, and they look great and last well, for a very reasonable price), belt: Ralph Lauren, shoes: so old that they are starting to die severely enough that I'm not sure a cobbler can fix them and I am so so so sad.)
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