I do a few things to keep my clothes looking reasonably clean, without weekly dry cleaning trips.
- As much as possible, I avoid wearing my blazer until after I drop the kids off at daycare. This may mean I'm cold in the morning - but I can manage. I even have a "home jacket" which I wear instead if I need to be cozy. This way my blazer stays crisp and clean, and even if I get something on my shirt I can hide it under the blazer at work. Same goes for the scarf - I put it on only after dropping the kids off. In the meantime it sits on the passenger seat.
- I try to wear pants that I can rub dirt off of. Good wool and synthetics work well for this. Cotton usually does not. Take a dry washcloth or even a rough dry paper towel, and you can usually rub off most dirt. I almost always get dirt on my pants from carrying my toddler and her dirty shoes hitting my legs. But I can dust that right off in the car or when I get to my office.
- Spot cleaning! Oh, the wonders of spot cleaning. I keep a jar of delicate soap in my bathroom, so I can spot clean my clothes as soon as I take them off in the evening, or before bed. That way they are clean and ready to go next time I want to wear them, and stains don't set in. This is the soap I'm using these days, but I've used many over the years and they all seem fine: http://www.amazon.com/Forever-New-Fabric-Care-Wash/dp/B002USD5FC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1416934861&sr=8-1&keywords=forever+new+soap. I've done it so much lately that I can now wash, rinse, and lay out to dry an item in under 3 minutes. I got something on the white sweater yesterday, but now it's good as new.
- I change into "home clothes" as soon as I get home, if possible. If hubby is home, we take turns watching the kids while the other one goes and changes. If not, then sometimes I can take the kids to my room to change, or I can settle them in with dinner first, and then go change.
- If I can't change into home clothes quickly, I take off my sweater, shirt, or blouse, and walk around in a camisole. And possibly a camisole plus home jacket if it's cold. Hey - it works. (This happened with the cashmere last week - the sweater sat on a chair at the back of the house while we had a family dinner in the dining room. I was hanging out in a cami.)
Any tips to share, my fellow working-moms-of-young-kids? :)
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