I am really excited about my new black blazer. I think a stylish blazer can make so many outfits look better. I'm hoping to get a lot of use out of this one.
I totally lucked out on finding this. It sold out at most stores even at its crazy high full price (about $2500). But I got it at Saks off 5th, my favorite of the department store outlets, for just $200. I'm guessing it was a late return, or something like that. And I got a little mid-week shopping in (the best time to find good deals before they get snatched up) thanks to jury duty ending half an hour early - early enough to do a little shopping, but not early enough to go to work. :)
(Blazer: Zac Posen, from Saks off 5th. The rest you've seen before. :) )
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